Extra-Curricular Activities


Sports websiteOur programme of sports, run in collaboration with local partners, will provide SuMS students with the opportunity to participate in an afternoon of sports once a week. We believe that physical well-being is vital to supporting mental health and academic progression, so we will encourage all of our students to actively engage in being fit and healthy. We are sure that they will all find something to get involved in and enjoy!  



Trips and Visits

Trips and visits websiteThroughout the school year there will be opportunities to participate in a variety of trips and visits as we believe that these are fundamental to a rich curriculum. Some of these will be directly connected to the subjects that each student is following, whilst others will be purely cultural, providing our students with time to connect with music, arts, history and the theatre. 




Student clubs websiteWe will encourage SuMS students to run and participate in clubs that help them to socialise and develop their areas of interest above and beyond the academic curriculum. Whilst we will not dictate which clubs should be run, we will proactively support our students as needed; whether that be to get a club up and running, organise a regular time for members to meet, supply equipment needed, or provide storage space for larger items (such as musical instruments). We expect the range of clubs to be as diverse as our student body; from chess to sports, from music to debating, and anything else that our students feel passionate about!