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Admissions to SuMS for 2025

Admissions for September 2025 are now closed. 

If you have not applied but would like to be considered for a place in 2025, please get in touch with us on GCSE results day by emailing Assuming that you have achieved our entry criteria (please click here) we would love to hear from you and explore whether SuMS might be the right place for you to study for your A Levels!

In line with our Admissions policy, we are happy to consider students who either did not go through the application process, or did but were rejected at an earlier stage, who choose to get in touch with the school on the day. This is on the basis of all students who hold offers having either enroled or chosen not to attend enrolment, and there still being capacity for more students in the year group. The offering of any places at this stage will be at the discretion of the Co-Headteachers.

If you have applied to join us and have any questions, please email us on