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Our latest outreach journey!

What can we offer to your students?

At Surrey Maths School, outreach is a core element of our mission. Our programme is constantly evolving and aims to support developments in mathematical sciences whilst also responding to the needs of our local schools.

In the summer term of 2024 we set ourselves an ambitious target!

We wanted to engage with 1,000 students, to help inspire their passion for STEM and support the wonderful work that is already happening in schools across Surrey and our local area.

We offered sessions for both primary pupils (year 5/6) and secondary students (year 9/10). These could be workshops or assemblies, and we were happy to tailor them according to what a specific class, or teacher, needed.

We were already working in partnership with some of our local colleagues, but we reached out more broadly and encouraged schools that hadn't taken up the opportunity yet and wanted to, please to get in touch with us by dropping us an email. You can too - we'd love to hear from you! 

Our journey...


Where will our next outreach journey take us?! Watch this space...